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Mommy Monday - Potty Training in 3 Days

I've been doing some potty training research and I can't believe how much information is out there! It's all so overwhelming. I had questions - Can you potty train fast? What are some potty training tips? How long will it take to potty train her?

Kaley has been dropping some hints that she's ready to be potty trained. You know like randomly getting naked and waving her diaper in air like she just don't care. Need proof?
Yeah, she's ready to use the potty! 

 In many of the results I came across I kept finding this book - Potty Training in 3 Days

The reviews are amazing!! 

We're still a few weeks away from potty training, but this book has made me super excited to give it a try. Note: I was DREADING it before I came this book! I had visions of pee puddles everywhere. (What a visual!! Pee puddles..haha!)  If you need help on how to start potty training or have found that other potty training methods haven't worked, pick up How to Potty Train in 3 Days

Note: The price of this book is about 3 packs of diapers, the true value is quick potty training and not having to change anymore diapers. 

How old was your child when you began to potty train them? 
How long did it take you to potty training your child?

Note: This blog entry does contain affiliate links.


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