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Latinista™ Fashion Week Swag Bag Giveaway by NotARichGirl

I am so happy to announce that I have joined up with Dee & Co Group to bring you an amazing giveaway!! A few weeks ago was Latinista Fashion Week and they had a fashion show. One of YOU will win a SWAG BAG from the show!! Awesome, right?!?! It's really easy to enter!

1. Simply Follow Latinista Fashion Week on:
Instagram: @latinistafashionweek
Twitter: @latinistafashionweek

2. Follow Me on:
Instagram: @wickedlashlady
Twitter: @notarichgirl
3. Re-post the image above with the #hashtags I have below on Twitter and/or Instagram
‪#‎Latinistafwswag ‪#‎opi #‎mirtadeperales #‎incakolausa 
#‎fantasyfashionhair  #notarichgirl

4. Tag me in the photo or @ me in your Tweet so that I know you entered the giveaway.

Note: Twitter and Instagram accounts must be public for the post to be seen. 

Giveaway ends March 20th. I will announce the winner on THIS post, and my Twitter and Instagram account. Open to the US only.


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