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Mommy Monday - Cut that Crap Out!

Two weeks ago I had a cold. Last week Kaley got that cold. It was her first time REALLY being sick and it sucked. I struggled to find 'balance'. Finally a few days into trying to do it all, I said screw it!! I called out of work so I could take care of my sick daughter. I stopped blogging. I didn't record any videos. I ordered takeout for dinner. I didn't bother to clean up the house. I just took care of my daughter. Guess what? It felt good!! I'm always trying to do it all, and realistically it's not possible. So from now on I'm cutting myself some slack. Blog posts may not be up every Mon-Fri, I may not have two videos up every week, my house may be a bit messy, and my daughter may occassionally eat an Oreo. 

And that's OK!!!


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