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Thankful Tuesday

Being thankful for what you have makes you realize just how truly blessed you are.
 I am truly blessed!!

I am thankful for:
-Celebrating my first official Mother's Day. My family made it so special for me.
-Kaley giggling with me. So far my husband's been the only one to make her giggle.
-Having so many wonderful mothers around me that show me what it means to be a great mom.
-Reconnecting with an old friend. Our babies are just a few months apart and they are way too cute.
-Friends in my life that just get it. I've had a baby not moved to another planet. Call me/text me.
-My niece and nephew who gave me the most thoughtful mother's day gifts. 

Icing on the cake..
-My niece said, "I would wear these earrings so I knew you would like them." That makes me the cool one, right?


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