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Tummy Tuesday - 39 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 39 weeks - I can't believe she is almost here. I will be 40 weeks tomorrow. Baby Shea is the size of a small watermelon.
Total weight gain/measurements: About 20-lbs. I haven't gained or lost anything in the past two weeks.     
Maternity clothes: Yes. :(      
Stretch marks: Oh yeah... I'm getting some around my belly button now too.  

Sleep: I have been managing about 4-5 hours of sleep each night, plus now that I am home more I am sneaking in naps.  ;)    
Best moment(s) this week: Beginning my maternity leave. Being a hair model (pictures are posted on my IG). Knowing that Shea can be arrive at ANY time now.   
Miss anything? Sleep (I will be saying this for a while).   
 Movement: I feel her the most now after breakfast and when my hubby is talking. She's going to be a daddy's girl...I just know it! 
Food cravings: COLD drinks and fruit. If the drink isn't more than half ice then I don't want it. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Cigarette smoke still. 
Gender: Girl.
Symptoms: Peeing all the time. Swollen feet and ankles - it's bad!!! Lots of Braxton Hicks. Waddling... yup I waddle now..oh well..
Belly button in or out? Out. People are constantly staring at 
Wedding rings on or off? Off. I can still get my engagement ring on, but it's snug by the end of the day so I leave it off. 
 Happy or moody most of the time: Happy all day. Moody at night. Night seems to be the time that the pregnancy symptoms bother me the most. 
 Looking forward to: Meeting baby Shea.


  1. nice picture looks professional,btw how is your cat doing ? He wil have a lil sis now

    1. Thank you!! Domino is getting better, he seems to be coming around to the idea that she will be here soon.. :)


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