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Tummy Tuesday - 38 Weeks Pregnant

 *Note: I was still pretty sick when this picture was taken.
How far along? 38 weeks - where has the time gone?!? This pregnancy has gone by so quickly. I will be 39 weeks tomorrow. Baby Shea is the size of a celery bunch (about 7-lbs).
Total weight gain/measurements: About 20-lbs, it seems to fluctuate by a pound or two each week.   
Maternity clothes: Yes. I hate them, but they are all that fit. Do they make maternity shoes because I need some of those? lol  My boots don't fit because of the swelling and wearing flats in this COLD weather is not fun.
Stretch marks: Oh I've got them as expected. :) 

Sleep: I had to google what this is. ;)     I've been sleeping, but not very well since I've been sick. I manage about 4-5 hours of broken sleep a night.

Best moment this week: Knowing that my maternity leave starts in just a few days, which means we are one step closer to meeting Shea.  
Miss anything? Sleep (I will be saying this for a while).  Warm shoes. Wine. 
 Movement: Lots. I feel her butt and feet moving all the time. 
Food cravings: Orange Juice and still any drink that is REALLY cold. Slurpees have been my go to lately.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Cigarette smoke still. 
Gender: Girl.
Symptoms: Peeing all the time. Swollen feet and ankles. Puffy face - I'm not sure if this is pregnancy or cold related. Waddling...yup I waddle now..oh well..
Belly button in or out? Out. People are constantly staring at 
Wedding rings on or off? Off. My engagement ring didn't fit this morning.  :(
 Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty Happy. I know this all means that we are one day closer to meeting our baby girl.
 Looking forward to: Meeting baby Shea.


  1. You are still just the cutest pregnant girl EVER!

  2. Aww you look so cute! A twenty pound weight gain is really good. You're almost at the finish line :) Happy Thanksgiving!!


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