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Tummy Tueday - 37 Weeks

See all that lovely puffiness on my face..?? That's due to my lovely cold, not
How far along? 37 weeks - full term according to many doctors! I will be 38 weeks tomorrow. Baby Shea is the size of a leak (about 6.5-lbs).
Total weight gain/measurements: Just about 20-lbs, it seems to fluctuate by a pound or two each week.   
Maternity clothes: I'm at the stage where I wish I could wear sweats all the time! For now maternity jeans and tops will have to do till I'm on maternity leave. :)
Stretch marks: I have plenty of them. A few new ones have popped up around my belly button.

Sleep: What is this sleep..?? I've been sick all week and combining that with pregnancy means barely any sleep. Very frustrating. 

Best moment this week: Taking the last hypnobabies class. It was bittersweet. I loved the classes and all the information we learned, but now that it's over means we are one step closer to meeting Shea. 

Miss anything? Sleep (I will be saying this for a while).  Being able to put on my shoes without feeling like a contortionist. Boots, due to the contortionist thing wearing flats is a lot easier.  
 Movement: Lots. I feel her butt and feet moving all the time. 
Food cravings: Orange Juice. I'm not sure if it's because of the cold or just a craving, but I can drink a whole carton of OJ a day. I don't since it's bad to drink that much of it, but I would if I could. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Cigarette smoke still. 
Gender: Girl.
Symptoms: Peeing all the time. The skin on my stomach feels like it's on fire! I was told that's the result of my stomach lowering. Ouch! Waddling...yup I waddle now..oh well!  
Belly button in or out? Out! People are constantly staring at 
Wedding rings on or off? A bit of both. My wedding band no longer fits, but my engagement ring does. 
 Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. Even with the lack of sleep and being sick I'm excited to meet this little girl! 
 Looking forward to: Meeting baby Shea.


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