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Gratitude Monday

I just realized that I've been doing these Gratitude Monday posts for over a year now! I hope you all enjoy reading them as much as I love writing them. Today I have a TON to be thankful for.

Yesterday marked the 12th anniversary of my grandfather passing. I miss him so much every day, but I am so thankful to have had such an amazing person help raise me.

Yesterday also marked our 6th wedding anniversary. I am so blessed to call such a wonderful man my husband.

This weekend we went in for a 4D ultrasound to see Shea and while she covered her face through most of it, we were able to get one or two good pictures of her. Look at THOSE CHEEKS!!!

I hope you all have many things to be grateful for today!


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa~

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