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Tummy Tuesday - 22 Weeks

On the Shea Bridge with baby Shea. I will take a better bump photo next week.

How far along?  22 weeks! I will be 23 weeks tomorrow. The baby is the size of a squash.

Total weight gain/measurements: As of my last doctor's appointment last week I am up 7-8 pounds. Don't get used to the numbers thing, it won't be a regular occurrence. ;)

Maternity clothes: I bought a few maternity tops last week, but they are still way too long!! I bought a few maternity dresses in the beginning of this pregnancy and they are still too long too. Maybe I need to buy the petite size..?? I'm not going to be able to wear a lot of these things till 8-9  Still wearing my regular tops and dresses, but all of my pants are maternity pants.

Stretch marks: None so far. I went back to Palmer's Stretch Mark Cream, I like the smell better than the Mamma Mio lotions. 
Sleep: I'm still not a fan of the pregnancy pillow so I'm sleeping with a bunch of pillows under my head so I sleep slightly sitting up, it works for now. I still have some extra energy and can get through a work day just fine and I actually have energy to do a thing or too when I get home, then it's time to be a couch potato till it's time for bed.

Best moment this week: A friend telling me I look radiant in a picture, it was sweet since he normally doesn't say things like that. Oh and my niece telling me my tummy looks
 Miss anything? Not trying on half my closet before  My regular tops are getting borderline short, but I am determined to make them work for just a little longer.

Movement: Lots! I can feel her move several times a day now, but the strongest movements are at night.
Food cravings: None really. The only thing I've truly wanted last week was shrimp from the restaurant we had dinner at after we got married.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing. 

Gender:  All girl!!!

Symptoms: My allergies are BAD!! I feel like I'm constantly sniffling or sneezing. Lots of bloating in my tummy and feet. Good Symptoms - Body hair grows back in slower..yay less shaving!!!

Belly button in or out? In..for now!

Wedding rings on or off? Still on.

Happy or moody most of the time: A good mix of both. I really have to learn how to let other people's issues not affect me. Any tips?
Looking forward to: Meeting with a midwife this week. Taking childbirth and breastfeeding classes next week.


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