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SPF that Helps with Discoloration | Kiehl’s Auto-Tone SPF | #spf #unboxing #kiehls

Gratitude Monday

Today I am grateful for everything related to our baby...

-I am grateful for a healthy baby. 

-I am VERY lucky to have had a very good pregnancy so far and I have only experienced very mild symptoms. There are times I forget that I'm pregnant because I feel so much like my regular self.

-I am grateful for the birthing options I have. 

-I am grateful for all of the GOOD books on pregnancy and labor.

-I am grateful for a husband and mother who support my birthing plan.

-I am grateful for pregnant friends. I have 3 friends who are also currently pregnant (not planned this way!!) and just exchanging text messages has been so encouraging. One friend I have known since I was 5 and I just went to her baby shower. Isn't she stunning..? She's 8 months pregnant.

What are you grateful for..??


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