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Tummy Tuesday - 21 Weeks

  We did take the usual in front of the closet pictures this week, but I like this picture better!! Shea was kicking and flipping like crazy last night and I loved watching my belly move and change.

How far along?  21 weeks! I will be 22 weeks tomorrow. The baby is the size of a carrot. I can really feel the size difference now, she feels a bit heavier and her movements are much stronger.

Total weight gain/measurements: I have no idea since I'm not keeping track, but I've definitely gained a pound or two since last week...I think..haha!

Maternity clothes: Still wearing my regular tops and dresses, but all of my pants are maternity pants.

Stretch marks: None so far. I just bought some lotions from Mamma Mio & I hope they will keep the stretch marks away.  ;)
Sleep: I still have some extra energy. I bought a pregnancy pillow this weekend and I hate it!! lol It takes up too much space on the bed and the top part makes my neck stretch too much, which means I have a headache every morning. I think I will stick to my several pillows each night for now..

Best moment this week: Shea moving and flipping last night. Hubby read that if you put a flashlight on one side of the stomach that the baby will move to the other side, it works!!
 Miss anything? Sleeping through the night, this peeing all the time is getting quite

Movement: Lots! I can feel her move several times a day now, but the strongest movements are at night.
Food cravings: The cravings really seem to have died down this week. I've been eating regular meals and the only thing I have wanted were sugar cookies and that was only on Friday.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing. 

Gender:  All girl!!!

Symptoms: Stuffy nose - my allergies have gone from bad to worse!! I'm constantly sneezing, which makes me have to pee all the time.. Good Symptoms - Body hair grows back in slower..yay less shaving!!!

Belly button in or out? In, but it's not as deep as it once was. I keep saying I'm going to have a done button soon (outtie belly button).

Wedding rings on or off? Still on.

Happy or moody most of the time: Moody this week. Being pregnant has made me really quick to put people in their place. I've always been very quick to defend myself, but a lot more so this week. Mama is taking crap from no one! 
Looking forward to: Reading the hypnobirthing book I bought this weekend & scheduling the 4D ultrasound for September/October.


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