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Tummy Tuesday - 19 Weeks

  Please excuse the hair, I was letting it airdry.
How far along?  19 weeks! I will be 20 weeks tomorrow. The baby is the size of a large heirloom tomato. 

Total weight gain/measurements: I'm really not getting on a scale too often so I don't know. Every day seems to fluctuate. Last time I checked I was up 4 lbs.

Maternity clothes: Yes! All I use are maternity bottoms now, they are just more comfortable. The shorts you see in the picture above are worn VERY often when I'm not at work. 

Stretch marks: None, my stomach has been VERY itchy this week though. I have been using Palmer's Stretch Mark cream to help with the itchy stomach and it's really been helping.  
Sleep: I sleep about 6-7 hours a night, which is a little less than last week. I am still enjoying the energy spike that this second trimester has to give. 

Best moment this week: The 20 week ultrasound appointment. Shea was a little jumping bean and didn't want to give a good picture, but we did manage to get one. I'm going to call it now and say she has my nose. :)

Miss anything? The occasional beer.

Movement: Lots! I can feel her moving throughout the day now, and not just at night. It's like having a secret friend with you.. 
Food cravings: Fruit still!! I have been changing it up and having more smoothies lately too.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nada. 

Gender:  It's a GIRL!!!!!! We refer to her by her middle name - Shea. :)

Symptoms: Stuffy nose and random burst of tiredness. I will be fine all day and suddenly I think I'm going to pass out if I don't nap immediately. A 30 minute nap works wonders on those days.

Belly button in or out? In, but I noticed last night that it's not as deep as it used to be. 

Wedding rings on or off? Still on.

Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty happy as long as I eat/sleep properly.  
Looking forward to: Relaxing. The past few weeks have been a series of events and things have finally slowed down a bit. I'm also looking forward to the 28-30 elective ultrasound we're going to schedule soon.


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