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Tummy Tuesday - 14 Weeks

How far along?  14 weeks! I will be 15 weeks tomorrow. The baby is the size of a lemon. 

Total weight gain/measurements: Still 1-2 lbs. Some days I look bigger than others, but I think it's just bloat for now. 

Maternity clothes: Yes. I finally gave in and bought skinny jeans from Old Navy and they are SO comfy! I have been using the belly belt for my shorts, since all of the maternity shorts I own are quite long. 

Stretch marks: Still none, but I will get them! I am very prone to them.

Sleep: I am tired, but I can't seem to sleep for long periods of time. I wake up after 6-7 hours thinking I need to wake up. I'm hoping this week brings better sleep.  

Best moment this week: Scheduling the gender ultrasound and buying baby it's first outfit. 

Miss anything? So classy I know, but it's true!  

Movement: None yet, but soon I hope!

Food cravings: Chorizo, fries, and fruit. Oh and olives...I love olives. So far I haven't craved anything I don't regularly eat though. I also still really like anything cold like popsicles and ice water. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? The smell of OTHER people's cologne/perfume, not ALL but there are many that make me want to gag.

Gender:  Don't know yet, but I'm thinking boy. We find out June 22nd, hopefully baby cooperates and shows us the goodies!

Symptoms: Bloating, sleepiness, and loss of appetite which I read is normal at this point. 

Belly button in or out? In. 

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Moody!! This lack of sleep has been getting to me. 

Looking forward to: Finding out the gender on June 22nd.


  1. Aww Tummy Tuesday I love it!! I can't wait to hear about the gender reveal!!

  2. congratulations!!! you look great!! <3

  3. Just subbed to you :) Your gorgeous :) I'd appreciate if you check my blog out too! :) thanks! xoxox


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