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My Skin Care Routine

I try my best to stay away from skin care routine posts because over time I have realized how it really is all trial and error. Someone may have the same skin type as you do and yet their favorite products may make you breakout or just don't plain work for you. I've gotten a lot of requests for my skin care routine so I decided to share it with, but remember just because this works for me doesn't mean it will work for you. 

Skin Type: Oily, Acne Prone, & Sensitive

Makeup Remover: Every night I remove my makeup with Boscia MakeUp-BreakUp Cool Cleansing Oil. This cleansing oil feels light on my skin, removes all of my makeup easily, and is easy to wash off. I've tried many cleansing oils, but this is my favorite.
Cleanser: Sibu Cleansing Face and body bar. I've been using this bar on my face for over a year and I really love it. This cleans my face without drying it out, it isn't fancy but it does the job of cleaning my face without irritating my skin. You can buy this at Whole Foods or online for around $7. btw - One bar lasted me a year and I use this every morning and every other night.

Trader Joe's Jojoba Oil - I use this oil when my skin is feeling very dry. Just a drop or two on my fingertips and my face is moisturized and glowing. 
Josie Maran Argan Daily Moisturzer - I have been using this moisturizer for about a year now and it's my go to in the summer and winter. I did a full review of this here - Josie Maran Argan Daily Moisturizer
Tarte Pure Maracuja Oil - The comment I get the most in videos is that my skin glows. This glow has nothing to do with makeup and everything to do with this oil. I use this every night as my night time moisturizer and I add a drop of this to my daily moisturizer in the winter. This oil adds just the right amount of moisturize to my skin and it never feels heavy or greasy on my face. This tiny bottle is expensive, but a little goes a long way.

Eye Treatment
Clinique All About Eyes - I have tried a lot of under-eye creams and I always go back to this. My main concern for under my eyes is puffiness and this always reduces the puffiness in a matter of minutes. This is a light cream that works well under makeup and never irritates my eyes. I don't know why I ever bother to try other eye creams.

 Facial Scrub: Giovanni Facial Scrub*. I use this scrub about twice a week to exfoliate and I love it. I classify it as a medium scrub, it exfoliates without being harsh (like the original st ives). I love that I can actually feel the scrub doing something, unlike many exfoliators that feel like you didn't do anything. You can buy this at Whole Foods for about $6.
Face Mask: Giovanni Facial Mask*. I use this about twice a week and I LOVE it. This removes all of the impurities on my face without drying out my skin or leaving it red and irritated. You can buy this at Whole Foods for about $8.
Cleanser: The All Natural Face Strawberries and Cream Wash. I have been using this face wash every other night and it has been amazing for my acne scars. I don't actually think of this as a face wash since I don't feel like this cleans my face, but more like a mini mask since I leave this on for 1-2 minutes. The smell of this is beyond amazing, it smells like cake and the two ingredients in this are dried strawberries and coconut milk.
Makeup Remover: The All Natural Face Sweet Jasmine Facial Cleansing Cream and Makeup Remover. I use this in place of makeup wipes. I put a few dabs of this all over my face and rub it in, then I wipe it off with a damp cotton sheet. This doesn't remove heavy makeup on the first try, but this is great for those who are trying to stay away from the chemicals in makeup wipes. I find this to be very much like a cold cream, but it doesn't make me breakout like most cold creams do.

*These products contain volcanic ash, which is the main ingredient in the MAC Volcanic Ash Exfoliator and Mask. Volcanic ash is said to eliminate toxins and oils.

I feel like mentioning all of those products may make it seem like my routine is complicated, but it really is quite simple. My night time routine usually is: remove makeup with the Boscia cleansing oil, wash my face with the Sibu bar, moisturize with the Tarte Maracuja Oil, apply Clinique eye cream. My morning routine is: wash my face with the Sibu bar, moisturize with the Josie Maran Argan Daily Mostuirizer, and apply Clinique eye cream.

Tell me about your skin care routine.


  1. I like your morning and also night routine. I would love to try out these natural products you are talking about and also the tarte oil.

    1. Thanks!! I didn't mention this in the blog entry, but most of these items are on the natural side.

    2. wich is good for your face and body ( we do absorb the chemical) and also good for animals. and most of the time good for your
      purse ( prices are cheaper)

  2. I keep hearing great things about Clinique All About Eyes!


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