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Gratitude Monday

Happy Monday!!! 
I hope you all had a great weekend and are feeling especially blessed today!!

The past 7 days have been great and I have so much to be grateful for.
  On Saturday the hubby and I celebrated 5 years of marriage..5 years!!!! I am so blessed to have such a great man in my life. Love you babes. The flowers and the Tarte makeup goodies were anniversary gifts from my hubby. Oh and you see those delicious looking pancakes..?? They were pumpkin pancakes and they are the best pancakes I have EVER had. YUMMY!!

Yesterday I was finally able to meet Mel from Fabulously Thrifty and it was such a great time, it felt like I was hanging out with an old friend. We went to the Pamper Me Fabulous event and the gift bags were amazing, I'll be sure to share what goodies were inside later this week. See that VERY sparkly palette..? It's from Sonia Kashuk and I couldn't resist adding a little more sparkle to my makeup.

What are you grateful for..?


  1. Im grateful that you are in my life!!

    1. I'm grateful that you are in mine babes. <3

  2. Aww..I want a relationship like you guys have..who else can look so romantical in penguin costumes? lol

  3. Happy 5th Anniversary to you, and many more! I"m grateful for my husband (we celebrated our 10th this past August) and our two children. Life is good!

    1. Thank you!!! Many blessings to you and your family.


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa~

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