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Gratitude Monday

Happy Monday!!
I hope you all had a nice long & relaxing weekend!! In an effort to get into the 'swing of things' I like to reflect on all of the good things that I am grateful for from last week. It helps me to see Monday in a positive light if I can remember all of the good things from the previous week, after all last week had a Monday in there too.  ;)

1. Long weekends. Having just that one extra day DOES make a difference.
2. My mother!! She is an amazing woman and I have learned so much from her.
My nephew, mom, and niece.

3. My sister. She really makes an effort to make sure that we all get to see each other for our birthdays. Plus she started the tradition of buying the lollipop cake that you see in the picture below.
4. Sleepover buddies. This little princess slept over last week and she made my night/morning. She is a bit obessed with Barney though...

5. Flats. I'm short, but I LOVE flats. I bought these 4 pairs of flats this weekend. I don't feel the need to be tall.  ;)

6. Pumpkin Lattes. I hate the winter, but fall I love!!! I love pumpkin flavored goodies & I can only find these in the fall.

What are you grateful for?


  1. Happy Birthday Mom and a Happy 16th Anniversary to me and my hubby!!


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa~

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