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A Secret Worth Sharing..

I have a secret to tell you.. I probably shouldn't have kept it a secret for so long. I'm sorry!! I have a place that I love to spy on and write secret lust list from all the time. I'm ready to share where...

Some of you may remember that I've purchased several jewelry pieces from Yasumi in the past (you can see them here and here) and she's back to making these gorgeous pieces again plus some other truly fabulous things!!

Yesterday as I lay on my deathbed (I kid, but I was really sick.) my hubby brought me the mail and in a super excited voice said, "You have mail from Yasumi!".  Receiving this package was the highlight of my day. Hooray!!

I love the wrapping. Yasumi always pays attention to all the details.

Thinking of Tea Notebooks
I always have to keep a notebook in my purse and these are the perfect size for writing down my random poems, thoughts, and blog entry ideas.

Nail Stickers

 Here's a look at the nail stickers that I have been wanting for ages.
Ladies in Festival on the left & Strange Games on the right.
I'm not sure if anyone who reads this has been here since the beginning, but the Ladies in Festival nail stickers remind me of the layout my blog had back in the early days.

 Clear directions are also provided on how to use the nail stickers.

 I will end this post with her business cards. Does it get any better than this..??

Go take a little visit to The Fushigi Shop, but don't say I didn't warn you about how tempting everything is!!


  1. Tammy! YOu have made me a very happy maker. You have been there from the start for me and I will never ever forget that. Thank you!!


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa~

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