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Beach Babe Hair

I remember back in high school when I was in LOVE with a John Freida product called Ocean Waves. It smelled like the beach and it always gave my hair that great 'I just had fun in the sand/sun look'. Sadly they discontinued that product several years ago, and my hair has been heartbroken since. Note: You can buy this on ebay where it is WAY overpriced. John Frieda Ocean Waves

 I recently came across a great dupe for my old love though.

Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray
I bought this at CVS for about $6.

This smells just like the beach (that scent is an obsession of mine!!) and it gives your hair amazing texture and grip. I not only use this when I want great waves, but when I'm putting my hair up and it needs more texture to stay in place. 

I highly suggest this product if you want to look like a Beach Babe.  ;)


  1. There Curl Cream is also good and smells divine! :)

  2. I have one beach baby product from another brand Lee Stafford I believe he is from the UK.


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