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YouTube Tuesday - 10/25/11

Halloween Tutorial: Elegant Masquerade Hair & Makeup
Mel did it again with another great tutorial. Doesn't she have the most beautiful hair?

2 Minute Top Knot Hair Tutorial inspired by Kourtney Kardashian 
I can't wait till my hair is long enough to do this!! It's so simple, but it looks so elegant.

33lbs Lost! Before & After Pics (Weightloss Update)
I love that she lost weight the healthy weight. She is VERY brave for sharing her story.

What were some of your favorite YouTube videos this week?


  1. i think one of the main reasons my hair is so long right now is to be able to twist it all up into a bun! (plus it's going to get cold soon and short hair makes my neck cold, haha)...thanks for sharing those videos!


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