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New Hair!! Kinda...

So lately I've been itching to make a change to my hair. I KNOW it has something to do with Yasumi chopping her hair off and looking stunning. I want that haircut!! For now it's going to wait though because I want to grow my hair out to donate it to charity again. 

So I went to the mop cutter and asked for some bangs...

Then I went home and dyed it a dark shade of red. The color is not as vibrant as I would have liked, but it will do! Sorry for the awkward pose below, but this is the only picture that truly shows my hair color.

When's the last time you made a change to your hair?


  1. I LOVE IT!!! Oh my the fringe is wonderful on you.

  2. Oh oh!! Blame it on me...I dont mind because it is gorgeous xx

  3. Thank you!!!
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

  4. Great look! Very pretty!

  5. Thanks!
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

  6. It still looks beautiful! I kinda wanted the same hair-cut, but I got my bags side swiped, can't deal with bangs all up in my face. lol

  7. i like it, esp the color! this weekend i used steam rollers and will try it again : )

  8. Thanks!
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

  9. I have always liked shoulder length hair.  Bangs really suit you.

  10. amazing how bangs can really change a hairstyle, no? love the new 'do :) 

  11. Really such a simple change!! Thanks!

  12. Your hair is so pretty and healthy-looking! I agree with the other comments that you look great with bangs! I just cut my hair about 2 weeks ago but it's still on the longish side~

  13. Thanks!
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


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