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Failed Halloween Masks

For the past month I've been trying to come up with a Halloween mask, but NO luck. Not one to let work go to waste I thought I would share with you my failed mask attempts.

On another note, we are currently expereincing our first snow OCTOBER!!!! This is currently keeping me indoors, but I have a Halloween party to go to tonight & I hope this storn passes by then.
The view from our balcony.

How are you all spending your weekend?


  1. I'm spending mine ill at the moment :( Not good! I love the colours in your halloween masks I think the only 'tip' i could offer is to define the edges of the masks more to make them well ugh.. more mask like? Sorry for the bad phrasing I'm too sick to word things better xD

  2. I think the green is cute!!  And it is snowing here in New Jersey also!!

  3. Stay warm...I like the green mask, actually.

  4. I actually like the green one! You look like one of the Canadian Lipstick Bandits, lol! I can't believe it snowed so early this year on the East Coast! 

  5. I was going to use jewels for the edges, but I just wasn't happy with the masks so I didn't waste the jewels. Thank you for the tip! Get well soon! Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

  6. Thanks! I am in New Jersey too. =)
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


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