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Milani Blur Out Skin Tint


Nuance Haul

Here are the goodies I picked up from the new Salma Hayek collection Nuance.

Lipstick in My Favorite, Tinted Moisturizer in Medium/Dark, & Brightner/Concealer in Medium.

I didn't take a close up picture of the tinted moisturizer, but I will say that so far I don't think that it's anything special. It seems like any other tinted moisturizer to me.

A close up on My Favorite Lipstick. This looks like it would be a very matte lipstick, but it's not at all! This lipstick feels VERY moisturizing on my lips and leaves me with beautiful berry stained lips. 

The brightner is on the left and the concealer is on the right.  The brightner is great to apply under your eyes before your concealer, it allows you to apply less concealer. The concealer is great!! The consistency is smooth and creamy, but not too wet - in other words it doesn't make your under-eyes look dry or get into fine lines. I have only used the concealer under my eyes.

Top to bottom: Brightner, concealer, tinted moisturizer, and My Favorite Lipstick.

Here is a FOTD with all of the products above. Very natural, but polished. 

So have I convinced you to try something from this line yet?? I really hope that this brand stays around for a while and doesn't fizzle out like many celebrity cosmetic brands.


  1. I don't live near a CVS, so I haven't been able to look at this stuff. :(

  2. everything looks great on you. how did the tinted moisturizer wear?

  3. Everything looks wonderful!! Yeah, I'm wondering how did the tinted moisturizer go? Did it ear off at the end? Lovely look! Hm, wonder how it looks for Chinese skin? xoxo, C

  4. I love this line so far!  I saw your video on youtube and I plan on buying the concealer today!  I think the tinted moisturizer is decent, especially for being a drug store product.  I also loved the eyeshadow quad that opens like a flower.  I bought one of the eyeliners and tried it out last night, and it is intensely pigmented.  Would you say the lipstick wears more like a tinted lip balm?  

  5. I lasted all day. I'm not sure how well it would look on Asian skin, but many of the displays I've seen have samples of the tinted moisturizer that you can before you buy.


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