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Fountain View

Happy Friday Ladies!!! Since I shared that very mushy entry with you about the anniversary with the hubby, I thought I would share what we did and how we looked on that day.

We decided to start the night by taking pictures in front of the very fountain we got married at. Aww.. <3

See that thing sprouting above our heads..?? That's the fountain!!

I was having one of those days that no matter what angle or how many pics the hubby took I just didn't like it, here's the best of the

Hubby did manage to get a shot of my shoes this time & he even got a close up!! These are the Payless shoes I wore on his b-day too.  =)

Since the hubby was looking pretty snazzy himself I took a picture of him too. ;)

And this is what happens when the water from the fountain splashes my hair & I get cold. My shawl went over my head and I struck a pose!

And finally just to make sure you're not too's a close up of my makeup.

-Maybelline Smooth Liquid Mousse Foundation
-MAC Stereo Rose MSF
-Urban Decay Eyeshadows - Gunmetal all over the lid & sin as the highlight.
-Urban Decay Zero eyeliner on waterline
-L'oreal Voluminous mascara
-Nivea Milk & Honey Lipbalm

After our gratuitous picture taking by the fountain we went to dinner at the same place we had our wedding dinner, it's become a little tradition of ours. The night was great - the restaurant was quiet & the food was great. I'm sorry there aren't any food porn pics, but I wasn't up for all the crazy looks I was sure to get if I whipped out my camera to do

Thanks for a great anniversary babes!!

Do you have any anniversary traditions..???


  1. very cute :) i wonder if well have any traditions?

  2. I love the make up and your earrings. So gorgeous!

  3. So cute! :) I love your make up!

  4. Thank you for the amazing email love!! Your such a beautiful soul :) gorgeous post, happy anni!!


    (sedona lace promo manager :)

  5. We never had traditions but would love to...but everytime we had our anniversarry we always end up having visitors form other places.....I like that you get to spend it on the same place as you're wedding so sweet...

  6. What are you talking about??? You always look beautiful in pictures. You look amazing in that LBD. Glad you had great anniversary.

  7. i still cannot get over how pretty your hair is short! you look pretty! and cute shoes!

  8. your shoes look hot! your makeup looked great too - that foundation looks really nice, I can see why it's on your list of faves :)


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