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Product Review - Cellnique Skin Care Products + Free Samples!

I was given the chance by Cellnique to try some of their products. I was so excited to try these products because I've seen such great reviews. Let's jump right in!

Skin Action Sebum Gel
From the Cellnique website
Description.This is a phyto bio-engineering formulation gel for all skin types to reduce both blackheads and whiteheads on affected skin area without painful extraction. This daily maintenance gel also reduces sebum secretion, leaving the skin clear and producing smooth visible results within 10 days of application.


• Controls excessive sebum

• Reduces the formation of blackheads and whiteheads

• Reduces skin inflammatory

• Controls and prevents breakouts

• Increases skin moistures and improves skin elasticity

• Anti-irritation

Color: Slightly hazy

Scent: Peppermint

Texture: Thick fluid type

Feeling: Cooling and refreshing

I can say that overall I did like the product, but only for my T-zone, I think this was too much for my cheeks. The directions say to apply this to oily places and in all honesty my cheeks are the oiliest part of my face and when I applied this product there I noticed some redness and irritation. The first few times I applied this product you really do feel the coolness and tingling, kind of like how your mouth feels after you brush your teeth - fresh! On my T-zone this worked really well and I can say that there was barely any visible oil there, even 8 hours after applying it. I don't have a lot of problems with clogged pores by my nose, but I can now say that I have ZERO blackheads on my nose after using this.

Contour De-puffy Jewel
From the Cellnique website.

Description. With its unique combination of Acetyl Tetrapeptide Gold Dipeptide and Rhodochrosite Extract, this breakthrough eye formulation helps alleviate eye puffiness and dark circles by increasing blood circulation and deep moisture the eye areas. Consists SPF15 which protects skin from again UVA and UVB rays.


• Reduces puffiness and dark circles

• Minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

• Strengthens and regenerates skin tissues

• Soothes, softens, and hydrates the delicate eye-area skin

• Sun protection with SPF15

Color: Violet

Scent: Characteristic

Texture: Thick fluid type

Feeling: Warm sensation

Meet my new best friend!!! In case you don't know I have some SERIOUS under eye baggage. I know it's partly because I don't sleep much &  I have allergies, but genetics play a HUGE part in this & this was passed down to me. =(   With this new friend I can say that the puffiness has gone down by at least 75% for me and that is MAJOR! I've also noticed a reduction in the darkness under my eyes. Woot! Woot! I noticed a difference in just 3 days of using this product, come on that is truly amazing!! The formula is a gel so it absorbs quickly and it goes on really smooth, you can apply your makeup right after this.  

There are two cons to this product -1. The pump application dispenses too much product so you end up wasting product. 2. The price. $54. I have to say that those cons mean absolutely nothing to me because of the results this product gives me.

I have pictures to prove that this stuff works. I won't lie, these pictures are VERY unflattering. These products came just in time as you will be able to see in the pictures below. Ignore the messy hair, these were taken right before bed.

Before - 7/19
Look at those bags!!


After - 8/12
Look at how my T-zone glows!!
Uhm..where did the bags go..????  GONE!!

The pimples on my cheek are still there

See how much I <3 you guys..?? Those pictures were very unflattering..LOL

Cellnique is offering my readers and opportunity to get a free sample and possibility to review your own products.

Have you tried Cellnique products before..?? Let me know what you think about them!  =)


  1. omg so exciting!!! it's great that the products work!

  2. I have also received some products from Cellnique and I must say I was pretty impressed. They're too expensive for me to repurchase, but I will definitely recommend them to friends.

    You are right, your bags are totally gone! That's amazing =D

  3. this sounds so good!! Cellnique seems like such a fantastic brand.


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