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My Makeup Storage & My Stash

My vanity. The hubby bought this for me at Unclaimed Freight last year, I believe it was $70. I adore it, except for the chair. The original cover was velvet..ewww! HATE VELVET!!! I currently have a pillowcase cover on the ghetto!!

I keep everything in containers that I bought from the Dollar Tree.
My lip product collection.

My blush/bronzer collection, it's dominated by MAC.

My face powders & concealers.

My eyeshadows & gel liners.

My pigment collection. Thanks Vanessa & Mel!

Daily face products I use...

All of my products that are too tall to fit inside the vanity go inside this pen holder - lip & eye pencils, mascara, lipglosses, & my eyelash curler.

My dirty brushes..

I keep random things in this vitamins, new products, or duplicate items.

So that's my makeup storage & a small look at my stash. 
Yes, there is more....The rest is under my vanity in a sterlite container & in another plastic container. haha!! And this is AFTER I cleaned out my collection..opps!! lol

How do you store your makeup..??  Did you want a more detailed view of my makeup collection? 



  1. thanks for showing us your vanity set up and stash! niceee :) I used to have the same vanity as yours, it's such a cute one! I loved it :)

  2. Tidy lady!

    I hide mine in drawers. Its stresses me out if I see all my junk when I wake up in the morning. I am so stupidly temperamental!

    Ahahahaha - Velvet! Better than mine. Hiro collects chairs yet for some reason I find myself sitting on the floor to do my make up.

  3. You're much better than me... I just have a stash in a box! And I do my makeup on my bed. Can you say GHETTO????

  4. Love your vanity table, I wish I have one right now :D

  5. My makeup is all over the place! LOL! But I love your vanity! And your stash is pretty darn impressive!

    Don't worry my butt sits on a cheapo stool!

  6. so neat and pretty! may i live in it please? lol

  7. I've essentially taken up a corner of the room for my makeup/skincare/hair/jewelry stuff, lol.

  8. Wow, nice collection and vanity. I have a small collection. I keep things in clear container from Target. And separate section what I use daily.

  9. OMG you have the Alice in wonderland palette! :) LUCKY! haha....i love your set up :) my room is small so i dont have a whole vanity set up :( i have to sit in front of my door *where i have a big mirror* and thats where I do my makeup. :(


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