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Me Complaining/Mail Love/Secret Santa

Good Morning!!

I know I've been quite a bit MIA from blogging, but I've been a really GOOD girl lately & I haven't been buying any makeup. If you've been following me for a while than you know that I've pretty much been on a no buy since April. With a cheating moment here & there. Honestly I've gotten to the point where the not buying doesn't even bothering me. I really do think I have too much makeup. GASP!!!

ehh..I think it's that time of year when everyone in the colder areas start to get depressed because of less sunlight. I've barely even touched any makeup. My Project 10 pan is a slowly moving project..haha!

I personally hate this weather for MANY reasons.

-less sunlight.

-It's cold!!! My bones ache from this cold..   =(

-Layering clothing. I don't like wearing layers, it makes me look plump. Plus it's extra work in the mornings...I like to throw something on & go. Maybe I should move to a nudist colony...hehe!

-Static!!! I work in an office that is wall to wall carpet & all of the cabinets are metal. I'm scared to touch anything!!!!! Plus any coat that's truly warm/professional has some type of wool in it, which is a major conductor of static. Just yesterday morning I received a shock when I touched the doorknob to enter my office. I screamed like someone was chasing me!! I got I had only been up an hour & wasn't really awake yet..haha!!

Ok enough rambling..

The lovely Linea sent me some goodies for sending HER some goodies on her b-day. You ladies & your      Hey..I can't knock it, I do it too. LOL Here's what she sent me...

Look at all of the cute HK stuff!!! Plus there's some great Hard Candy stuff in there. I'm loving the new Hard Candy line. Yay!!

Thanks Linea!!

It's that time of year again..Secret Santa time!! The fab Kay put together a Secret Santa for a few of us blogger ladies & I already received my goodies!! Thank you for putting this together Kay. =)

Dina was my Secret Santa & she did a great job of picking out things for me. Look at the pretty card she sent!!

Sheet masks!! Hello Kitty!! Cuteness overload!! I've already used the aloe mask & I think it may be my new favorite sheet mask!! I absolutely love it!! I felt like my face was really dry & wind burned from this cold & that went down immediately after using this. YAY!!

Thank you Dina!! I love everything!!

Are any of you ladies participating in a Secret Santa this year?


  1. i'm in other hand, i keep looking at more makeups and buying them. I don't know if i can be on a no buy

    thanks for posting it! i'm really glad that you like them

    good luck to both of us on getting UD Book of Shadows! :D

  2. I don't know if I could do a shopping ban either, I think I'll be hitting a wall pretty soon, collection is becoming overwhelming, I'll let you know when I join you! Yes the is depressing =/

    Love the goodies, I'd like to hear how the hard candy stuff works out :)

    No Secret Santa this year *pouting*

  3. those sheet masks are amazing...are they hydrating?

  4. @GirlAboutTown So far I've only tried the aloe mask, but I love it. It is really hydrating & soothes irritation.

  5. Great love from Kay!! All that cute HK!! And your SS gift is super too! How sweet of her!

    LOL See I liked the cooler weather when I went up to Cali. Even when I went Vegas for NewYears.. years ago it was freezing! But I loved it!! I guess cuz I'm not used to it. That and I think cold weather clothes are cuter! But I can't really use them down here! LOL!

  6. OMG I hate this weather too. I can picture you walking around like a zombie and then ZAP! AHH! I'm awake, I'm awake..LOL! As far as the make up well that part you already

  7. What a cute gift! No Secret Santa's for me..I'm dying too, but I just received my last paycheck today until who knows when, so I better not lol.

  8. i'm definitely feeling more depressed due to the lack of sunlight...makes me want to stay in bed all day and keep warm, and just do nothing. and whenever I go out I get a case of "fat man in a little coat" syndrome, with all the layers I need just to stay warm!

    what sweet gifts from your secret santa! haha who needs to buy makeup when all these gift exchanges provide us with plenty?

  9. Yay, I'm so glad you enjoyed the SS!!! I don't like winter either - less sunlight + really cold = depressing!

  10. Merry Christmas! Aww, you got spoiled by your secret santa, hm? ;)


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