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Product Review - Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion

Product Review - Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion

Skin MD Natural contacted me a few weeks ago, and asked me to try their product.

From the Skin MD Natural Website:

A shielding lotion does much more than just treat dry skin – it’s a new kind of skin care product that makes a real difference to all skin types.
Skin MD Natural™ utilizes the finest effective natural ingredients for dry skin treatment along with the latest advances in technology to hydrate and protect the skin.

This is an entirely new concept in skin care requiring a new classification: "Shielding Lotion". A shielding lotion keeps moisture-robbing irritants away from the skin while the proprietary "super" humectants hydrate the skin throughout the day.

Skin MD Natural™ is promptly absorbed, without the slightest hint of any greasy or oily feeling or residue, transforming the outer layer of skin into a hydrating invisible shield.

Glycerin has been the standard against which all humectants are measured. Until now no other humectant drew in as much moisture from the air as glycerin. But the proprietary formulation in Skin MD Natural has a moisturizing factor of at least 6 times greater than glycerin. Combined with its protective properties and natural ingredients, this makes Skin MD Natural a truly unique product.

An accumulated effect of Skin MD Natural is fully realized after only a few days of daily use. Depending on how dry your skin is the first few days may require reapplications after only a few hours. Usually, after a few days of continuous use, only one or two daily applications are necessary to see the improvement.

I do have to say that at first I was a bit skeptical about this product. My reason for this being is that this lotion is incredibly thin & light feeling, I didn't see how this product could possibly be made for dry skin.

At first I thought was right and that this product wasn't doing it's job, but that's because I wasn't being patient. This product doesn't claim to 'instantly' change your dry skin, but that results will occur after a few days of use. The first time I used this product I did have to reply apply several times throughout the day (legs), but after a week I noticed that 1 application was enough for one day. WOAH!! This is surprising to me because I shave my legs daily & I usually have to apply lotion at least 3 times a day to prevent my legs from looking dry.

-Light weight
-Does not leave your skin feeling greasy.
-Locks the moisture into your skin.

-The product is a bit runny, which makes it easy to waste product.

I will purchase this product again. I am interested in seeing how well this works in the summer when my skin has the most problems. The reviews on the website for how well this product works on your face are amazing!! In all honesty I haven't given this lotion a REAL chance on my face because that would mean reapplying several times throughout the day, and that would mean me NOT wearing any type of makeup. Errrr..concealer is how I look awake most mornings. I'll be sure to try this product on my face on a long weekend though, and I will report back to you.  ;)

According to the wesbite this lotion works really well for those with eczema & psorasis.  I can't tell you my personal experiences with that because I have neither, but I do think that this product is worth a try if you have these skin problems.

Go to Skin MD Natural to find a retailer close to your location.

Psstt..Keep your eyes peeled because I will be hosting a contest soon & you will get a chance to win your own bottle of Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion.


  1. Sounds great! I always have dry skin on my body, which is weird cuz my face is an oil slick! LOL!

  2. sweet! they sent me one too im only in day 2 of using it, its nice!

  3. I suffer from very dry skin on my legs too! Sometimes, my knees are even scaly like a fish! >_<
    Can't wait until your giveaway! I'd love to be able to try this!

  4. i have this lotion and except for the fact that it isn't cheap, I think its a great moisture locking aloe base product!

  5. Great review! This sounds really good and since my skin has been taking a beating in this cold weather I might have to check it out!


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