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Eyeshadow Tip | #makeuptips #eyeshadowtips

HK Makeup Brush Holder

A few days (weeks?) ago Yumeko/Bittenbefore posted a pic of some gorgeous brush holders she made and I had to jump at the chance to get one of my own!! We agreed to do a swap, and look at all the extra goodies she sent me!! Everything is pink!! <3>

The infamous pink Kit Kat..I'm saving this for tomorrow.. =) The HK candy is gone though..YUM!!
A tissue holder!!! My hubby CONSTANTLY gets annoyed with me for not carrying tissues or mints, it's supposed to be my womanly duty. Well =P to him, if he needs chap stick, bobby pins, or blotting powder I have that covered!! Even though I hope to God he would never ask me for the last 2!!! Guess what..?? I'm going to start carrying tissues now!! How can I not?? This holder is so cute!! I'm going to start OFFERING people tissues now..haha!!
Now the moment you've been waiting for...
The makeup brush holder!!!
All rolled up.
Laying flat. I love this fabric!!
Open wide!!!

My brushes have a new home!!
(There are 3 brushes in here to show you the sizing. I have more! LOL)

So cute!!!! Thanks again for being so sweet and swapping with me Yumeko!!


  1. awwwwww that is so cute and precious. the candies look yummy, of course! it makes me want to buy candy online now. lol.

  2. wheee glad u like it
    i hope u like pink hahah sorry for the overload on pink! heehee
    the pink kitkat is peach flavoured i believe

    i loved EVERYTHING you sent me
    thank you!

  3. Awww Yume-chan is such a sweetheart!

  4. thats cute! HK with skulls! those i can dig!

  5. Daaaannggg now I want one! I might just have to get in touch with Yumeko :)

  6. That is so sweet of her. I love the fabric of the brush holder! Enjoy! :-)

  7. I keep seeing the pink Kit Kat on blogs & I want some toooo!

  8. zomg... i want one! the brush holder! its too cute!

  9. Wow she made that?! Awesome!! ANd yay for extra goodies! HOw sweet of her!! LOL! 'cheese' has asked me for blot paper before! I think he was more curious then shiney!! LOL!

  10. What a pretty brush holder! Yumeko is so talented!!!

    And you're right - I would be very surprised if a guy asked me if I had bobby pins...

  11. You should have bought it :) So we can BB chat! hahah! :)

    I have yet to get that brush roll. it looks amazing :)

  12. I absolutely love that brush roll..too cute!


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