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Eyeshadow Tip | #makeuptips #eyeshadowtips

That's beautiful! That's lovely! What is that velvet..??

The hubby and I had decided to forgo anything Valentine's Day-ish this year and just spend the long weekend redecorating our bedroom. (If you read my previous entry, than you know we did something Valentine's Day-ish anyway.) In this process that meant that I was getting a new vanity. I searched high and low for one, and I had seen this one a few times, but I didn't buy it because of the seat. It's velvet. I HATE velvet...BADLY!!! The feeling of it on my skin is the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard to most people. I know that's really not a great excuse not to buy something since I could just change the cover, but I'm not a decorator. I like to buy things COMPLETE. Needless to say I couldn't find anything else I liked as much as this vanity, or as affordable, $60 people!!! So we bought it!! I'm still trying to figure out what to cover the seat with. Any ideas..??

Semi-Nude this is before I set it up with my makeup.

After--A close up on the makeup.

I know it's not a necessity, but I love it!! It makes me feel so girly having

Do you have a vanity..???

Cool points to whoever knows where my title is


  1. Oh thats cute and clean looking!

    I haven't got a vanity - I dump myself on the floor infront my my big mirror and then paint my face!

    In my dream (imaginary) house - I have a vanity in my light and airy boudoir. I also have lacquered Japanese boxes and and an antique screen, a gilt mirror that once shone on some beautiful venetian lady and piano in the corner just for the hell of it. Hahaha I also have clouds on the floor and rainbows around my bed!

    I am such an airhead!! I KNOW!!

  2. Omigosh, Coming to America!!!! too funny!!!
    I love your vanity, and btw, very easy to re-cover the seat! Turn it upside down and unscrew the seat cushion from the will see the fabric attached with heavy staples (most likely) you can just get any fabric really from a fabric/crafts store and using a staple gun, re-cover it...
    hope that helps...I feel your pain cause I don't like velvet either.
    Nothing like a vanity to make a girl feel girly!

  3. I love it....Ive been wanting a vanity kinda like that..ur post makes me want it more :(

  4. ur room is sooo spacy and clean... i need a new house!

  5. i would love to have a pretty vanity like that but I have no room for one and I don't think I could happily set up everything on one =[ lol I would need lots and lots of drawers.

  6. Beautiful vanity sweety! Love how you've already started organizing too! ;)

  7. That's a gorgeous vanity woman!! Just cover the seat with whatever you want your ass to feel good sliding around on!

    It's beautiful because of it's simplicity and see through-mess of the glass! LOL!! WTF?! Did I not just sound sooo retarded right there?!

  8. Awww, your vanity table is so nice.
    Who cares if you don't need, you wanted it and it's cute.


    One day i'll have one too :)

  9. Your vanity is precious! I don't have anymore room in my room to have a vanity.. =/ My huge dresser took up all the space and I put my bed in the center of the room lol I need to fix that and maybe I'll have room for one, but I'm thinking of getting one now seeing your post! =)

  10. Your vanity is soooo cute! I've wanted one for as long as I can remember, one day! lol.


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