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NYX Lippies

When Cherry Culture was having their 20% off sale I decided to order a few of NYX Round Lipglosses, since they were sold out last time I placed an order. For this order I decided to do a little research on the colors since I was kinda disappointed in my last order. While researching the colors I came across quite a few complaining about the NYX Round Lipglosses, saying that the stopper would come off of the lipgloss and therefore giving you globs of lipgloss. I was a bit worried about this, but I figured at $2 each I didn't have much to lose. Plus since they were out of stock for so long I figured maybe they had time to work out some of the kinks.

This haul came in on 2/3, yes Hello Kitty day!! I did play with all of these goodies before I went to the unveiling, but I decided not to post these pics until after I posted the HK pics. I didn't want HK stealing the
Here's what I bought:

All NYX Products. Left to Right- Lipliner in Natural. Lipsticks in Perfect & Peach. Lipglosses in Chocolate Moose, Natural, Apricot, Frosted Plum, & Golden Red. Concealer in a Jar in Glow.


I love it all!! Well almost all of it. The stoppers have been fixed on the lipglosses so there aren't globs of lipgloss coming out at once, and the pigmentation is great. The lipsticks are super moisturizing. The Glow concealer is a perfect match to my complexion. My problem..?? 2 things--I hate how NYX labels colors incorrectly. Does Peach look Peach to you at all..?? No! It's fine because I knew this before I ordered, but it doesn't make it any less annoying. btw--beige is not a natural color, it's pink. This seems to be an issue with a lot of their colors.

-The lipliner is bad...really bad!! It was so hard and it felt like it was cutting me as I was trying to use it, it just wouldn't seem to warm up. I think this is a new formula though, because I've used NYX liners in the past and loved them.

Did you buy anything from this sale..??


  1. =[ i didnt get anything from this sale, but thats why, i keep hearing more bad things about CherryCulture than good, lol but all the colors look really pretty!

  2. great haul...out of the two round l/g I have one of the stopper comes frustrates the heck out of me!!

  3. Lovely haulage, the colors are truely pigmented. When I ordered from CherryCulture all of the nice colors for both the glosses and round lippies were out of stock. The site has horrible swatches, I haven't order since.

  4. Nice little haulage!! Thanks for the swatchies!! That Natural l/g is such a cute baby pink.

    I love NYX Concealer in a Jar! I have it in Beige, I use it for undereyes.

    That sucks about the liner though. What if you warm it up with a blow dryer? Time consuming I know!! :P

  5. Cool!! You have some great stuff there! :D I havent tried any NYX lippies but I heard they are good :)

  6. Ohh nice haul! I didn't get anything from the sale since I still have so much makeup I haven't used yet. Do the round glosses have a smell to them? I remember when they first came out lots of people were complaining about the weird smell they had.

  7. i like that redish lipgloss!! I havent tried that kindof lipliner.. ilike the one w the girl on it? the long one lol


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