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Milani Blur Out Skin Tint


Sally Girl

I've been on the hunt for the brand Sally Girl, since reading about it on Sofeeahh's blog. I wasn't able to find this at the Sally's near my house, but on a recent roadtrip near my hubby's job I found a Sally's that carried this line. These are the goodies I bought!! Sally Girl Lip Color in Manic on top. Sally Girl Eyeshadow Quad in Gum Drops & Power Trip on the bottom. Gum Drops
Power Trip
I was really impressed with the pigmentation of these quads!!! I won't say that these are the best quality, but for .99 cents each I really think they are worth a shot!!!
What's your latest cheapie 'splurge"?


  1. omg! i have two of them too, i think Envy and somethign else lol they are great!

  2. Those really are pigmented more than I thought they would be. Thank you for the review hun & have a lovely new year!!

  3. Thanks for the swatchies!! We don't have a Sally's down here. :(

    My latest cheapie splurge?! I don't think I've done one in a looong time! LOL!

  4. i have sally girls GUM DROP quad :] yay were twins. LOL ;x

  5. Great review, I'm always looking for cheap but pigmented shadows. I'll check these out!


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