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Milani Blur Out Skin Tint


Piggies Galore!!

Vanessa is spoiling me once again!!! First she had an email contest and she gave out prizes to whoever entered, then she had a contest on Twitter that I won too!!! She is too good to me!!! Look what she sent me for entering her email contest!!

Mac piggies!!!!!! A whole bunch!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!! The Mario Badescu lotion is something she had recommended to me a while back, and I completely forgot to get my free samples of it..well she took care of it for me!!

She also sent me some MORE piggies!!! Yes MORE!!!!! How did I get so lucky..???? The Lancome lipgloss is what I won in her Twitter contest.

Random Pictures

I was going through my camera and I found these two pictures I wanted to share with you ladies. The first picture was taken on Thanksgiving and I am with my niece and nephew. It looks like I'm not wearing any makeup at all in this picture!! Agh!!! These two are such cuties!!! I swear my nephew looks like my mini me, but my niece and I have very similar personalities.

This picture was taken the other night, Dom playing in the snow. I swear the hubby wasn't holding him down IN the snow, he was making sure his crazy butt didn't jump over the balcony. Crazy kitty!!

That's all for now!!! Have you ladies finished your X-mas shopping...?? I haven't. =( Just a little bit more to go.


  1. it's called st.mary's hospital.. sure! let's do lunch one day. email me your cellphone number:

  2. awwwwww yay for pretty piggies!!

    van is sooo sooo sweet! can't wait to see some of the looks you create with your new piggies girl!

  3. pretty pigs! i agree can't wait to see them on you!

  4. shes da sweetest huh!!! love the piggies such pretty colors!!

  5. OMG...that is so awesome...look at all those piggies!!! Just looking at them makes me happy so I'm sure you are too babe. Have a wonderful holidays and enjoy your goodies!;)

  6. Vanessa is <3!! We all know it!!! Those are some pretty colors too!! Oooohhhh I feel EOTDs coming from Tammy!!

    Cute you and your niece and nephew!! And soo cute tryin to keep Dom from jumpin!! LOL!!

  7. ahh my letter! *embarresed* lol i hope you like them :)


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