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Milani Blur Out Skin Tint


I'll be there for you..

Good Morning!!!!!!!! I'm finally work in a really small office and when someone gets sick here everyone gets it. My boss had a cold a few days ago and now I'm getting it so I may be MIA for a few days...grrr..

Just so you know I didn't forget about the contest I posted before, I've just been 'on a break' from Blogger. Thank you so much to all of the lovely ladies that entered. I promise to announce the prizes soon (notice I said prizes!!), I'm just waiting for the goodies to get to me first. The people that entered are: Vanessa M., Lydia, Tracy, Wuzzy, Rhondalei G.. Sorry for not announcing this contest too well, I wanted to make sure that the people that read my blog on a normal basis were the ones to win the goodies.

And I leave you with a clip from Friends.."we were on a break".


  1. lmao! ahh i love that show still..
    glad your bak!

  2. Woo hoo! You're back! I just posted about being on slight hiatus. :p I heart friends and that is one of the classic lines from that show!


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~Mother Teresa~

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