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I don't know about you ladies but I love cheapie's such a great way to change things up without spending a lot of money! For a while I've been wearing my diamond studs the hubby gave me and being lazy about trying to be cute with my jewelry. I have 2 piercings in each ear and I've only been rocking 1 earring in ear..not cute! Well since I was being so lazy all of my cheapie jewelry was no longer being worn and when I decided to put some on they were tarnished. You can't really fix/clean cheapie jewelry so I decided to get all new earrings!! YAY!!!

The first set of cheapies is from Forever21. I'm not sure about the pricing on everything right now, but I know everything was under $5 each. Don't you just love the headband..?? It's so Blair!!
These earrings are from a kiosk called Pink Apple NY. I've tried to see if this company has a website, but I haven't been able to find anything. I believe this is a local company. These earrings were $1.99 each. I also bought a pair of hoops from here, but I wasn't able to get a good picture of them so I didn't post it.
Do you love cheapie jewelry..?? What jewelry do you wear EVERY DAY??? I wear my wedding rings, diamond studs the hubby bought me, and my ohana necklace every day..I change it up with the 2nd pair of earrings and throw in a bracelet on occasion.


  1. oohhh jewelry! i used to wear earrings everyday but not anymore. shd start wearing them again tho. hohoho

  2. haha i LOVE cheap jewelry! half of what I own is cheap lmao and im so like you .. the "nice things" i have are from my BF like tiffanys bracelet and rings and such lmmao! your earings are soo cute! another blogger had soe similar but hers were pink.. but same style! i guess thats whats in? i must go be cool! lol

  3. Yeah, I lose it everytime I get near the Forever 21 accessories. I end up with a boat load! I just can't help it :)

  4. very nice earrings! If you paint 1-2 coats of clear nail polish on the backs of the cheap earrings, it helps keep them from tarnishing (my ears are sensitive to metal, so I have to paint them anyway). My ears are stretched now, so I have silicone in them to keep the holes at a larger size, but I used to wear hoops all the time...also wear a watch, claddagh & thumb ring daily...OM necklace if I remember, and a sapphire ring, but I need to get it fixed =P

  5. YAY!! I'm not the only one who likes cheapie

  6. Cheapie?!! I gots no problem with that!! Those Pink Apple ones are cute!!

    Everyday stuff is the "ring" obviously, and my hoops. I have 3 sets in each ear with a cartilegde on on the left ear. So everyday it's the simple graduating hoops.

  7. I LOVE me some cheapie jewelry! Sometimes I go overboard with it, lol. Cute stuff you got there makes me wanna hit up forever 21...
    I always wear my hawaiian bangle with my name on it, it's one of those things I barely ever take off.


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