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Milani Blur Out Skin Tint


Baked what..??

Ever since I saw this video that Aubrey made I've been DYING to buy the Physician's Formula Eye Shadows in Baked Sands. BUT I've been trying to be really good about spending $$ so I didn't buy this the first time I saw it ($10), and I'm glad because when I went to Harmon's yesterday I found it for $5..nice!!! I should have bought 2 palettes for that price..haha!! While I was at Harmon's I also picked up an NYX Jumbo Eyeshadow Pencil in Yogurt, which I have heard MANY great things about. So glad I did!! It is so pretty and I think it would make a great base. I spent $8 at Harmon's in total..Score!!

What goodies have you bought lately..??


  1. how nice! ive seen that PF es too! its soo nice!! so shimmery and pigmented, cant wait to see your looks!

  2. i have, well had, this same one! and i loved it! i used to wear these like everyday!

  3. Just my prettypinkboxes! And what a great deal on the e/s!! I use my Yogurt Pencil as a base for pinks and sometimes on it's own for everyday wear.

  4. 50% off? that's superb! and yogurt is a real pretty color, rite? oohh i've been buyiiiing lotsaaa stuffs i gotta stop! >_<

  5. Vanessa--It is such a pretty palette..think I'm going to get another palette.

    Linea--Did you think there was a lot of fall out while using it..? I do.. =(

    Wuzzy--I think I'm going to get up at 5am like you for my prettypinkbox next

    Ai--Yogurt is a gorgeous color!!

  6. i love nyx yogurt!1 and i want that palette!!


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