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Milani Blur Out Skin Tint


One of A Kind

Paintings by Lola Rios

Every painting below has been hand painted on a feather, making each and every painting unique! The pictures below are pictures I took myself of her work. I love, love, love everything she paints!!!

The painting below is from my mother's house.

The painting below is for my best friend. She does customize the military paintings (ex-unit number, rank, and/or name).

The painting below is mine. I look at this every morning and it just gives me a sense of peace.

All of the work shown above ranges in prices from $45-$60. If you are interested in purchasing anything please email her at

**I'll let you in on a little secret..the painter is my aunt. ;)


  1. wow the one in your room is soo pretty! I need something peaceful to look at when i wake up too lol.. thanx for the suport btw.. so when you say you were like me a few yrs ago...did it go away? pls say yes lol


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~Mother Teresa~

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