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Bobbi Brown Teaches the Basics of Makeup

omg!! omg!! omg!!!! I was checking my email and I came across this email from my former school and soon to be current school-Montclair State University. As some of you know I have been studying really hard for my MATs, but now that I see this program I may have to find a way to do both'm still in the article below..

Bobbi Brown Teaches the Basics of Makeup
Laura Lentin

Montclair State University now has a program that allows them to start working their way up in the makeup industry with the Certificate in Makeup Artistry. Classes have a partnership with Bobbi Brown, a professional makeup artist that is a resident of Montclair. It is an 18-credit certificate available through the Art and Design Department. To receive this certificate, a student must take the required courses, along with two electives of their choice.The ground floor of this certificate is the foundations class. In this class, the students learn the anatomy of the skin and the ingredients of the makeup they are using and work their way up through toning and cleansing to cover-up and foundation and continue from there.After the foundations course, a student works their way up in the program, to an intermediate course and then on to the advanced course, like any other certificate program, major or minor. The different thing about this program is the sheer fun of learning the application of makeup. These classes are not standard to what students are used to in their general education classes."Students use each other as clients. They put makeup on one person, then switch," said Professor Debra Otte, who supervises the program and teaches some of the courses. Who thought a final could be fun? In the intro class, the final consists of two parts: first, an everyday makeup look that is beautiful and flawless; second, a more experimental look that could be a lot bolder and more fun."It's a great partnership between Montclair State and Bobbi Brown," said Otte. The courses are run in the Bobbi Brown Studio in Lackawanna Plaza in downtown Montclair. Aside from learning from teachers, students are taught by people that practice makeup for a living. Different Bobbi Brown professional makeup artists come in to teach the classes; some Bobbi Brown artists even come in as guests to teach a specialized form of makeup design. To top that off, "Bobbi Brown comes in regularly and talks to the class," according to Otte.While this class may not appeal to all males, there is a part of the course that teaches male makeup, even if there are no guys enrolled. However, "the course has been offered twice and has closed both times," said Linda Reilly, an Associate Professor in the Art and Design Department, and one male took the course.Throughout these courses, a student learns the basics, moves on to more intricate makeup designs and, if they choose, can get an internship in the field at the end of their certificate program. "These classes are all hands-on and fun; a lot of people are taking them as fun courses," said Otte.
Source - The Montclairion


  1. Thanks for your sweet comment/compliment hun!!! See you around on blog land! ^_^

  2. This seems like an awesome opportunity. I like taking the extension courses the colleges here offer for make-up, but I don't think I could full-on go to school for it. Haha. You should go for it, though!

  3. Are you in Cali or is that another city in another state?


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