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My hair obsession

A lot of you ladies have been asking me about Cibu..
Well meet Jenn-she is the brand manager, and she can help you with all of your Cibu needs.
I am currently OBSESSED with her videos and the current Cibu products I have.
In her videos she shows you how to use Cibu products, and she makes quick and simple hairstyles. The videos are especially good for those with short hair. Jenn makes me want to have short hair again. =(
Here is her latest video:

Don't forget you can buy Cibu here.

Discount codes:
shanghigh = $1 off shang high products
shipcibu = free shipping over $50
cibufriend = $10 off $40 or more

Check out Jenn's page on You Tube --
While you're there check out my page too. --


  1. ohhh, it's hair stuff!!! i loved her office do. i definitely gotta try that. tho' my hair is down to the middle of my back...

  2. Loves it! I just did a random Cibu search and found your blog post. Thanks for the shout out lady! Cibu loves you, too.

    check out my NEW short hair vid.


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~Mother Teresa~

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