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Milani Blur Out Skin Tint


Will I ever need to buy a new eyeshadow again..?

haha!! Of course I will!! But I just bought a palette off of ebay that may halt my buying of them for a little bit. I won it for $ I was blog hopping I came across this palette and decided I have to have it..I wish I knew who's blog it was that I saw this on, but I don't remember. =(

I can't wait till this comes in!! What makeup are you looking forward too..?


  1. 120 shadows??!!

    LOL -- of course you'll buy more!! tho' you prob'ly shouldn't. so many neat colors in that palette.

    after i got my Ben Nye palettes, i haven't bought a lick of new eyeshadows.

  2. I know!! I couldn't resist!! I can't wait to play with

  3. woa!!!!! that is fukin awesome! omg you HAVE to do a review when you get it...I ordered a 75? and an 88 pallete ... but if your is as good omg...ill like sell or give away both of em so i can one like yours! it looks soo badass lol

  4. Hi Vanessa,

    I'm so excited for this..hehe..the seller contacted me yesterday that it shipped. Yay!!


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