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Milani Blur Out Skin Tint


Lust List

It's that time again for me to make a list of the things I'm currently lusting over...this is a short list today since I'm feeling especially low maintenance lately.

Bobbi Brown Long Wear Gel Eyeliner in Black Mauve Shimmer $19.00

This is one of the items I fell in love with while watching Bobbi Brown on QVC last week. I like the fact that this product says shimmer and that it is actually shimmer. So many products make the same claim and instead you get these HUGE pieces of glitter. I must buy this soon! Buy here

Benefit Spring '08 Silky Finish Lipstick $18.00
I just read about these lipsticks on BellaSugar and I must have them all!! The nude one she talks about looks like a great Angelina Jolie dupe lip color!! Who couldn't use a boost to have their lips look like Angelina's? The pics that are below are of 2 of the colors I want, but go to BellaSugar to see the Angelina Dupe color. Buy here

I do. I do. I do. (golden pink (pearl))

bouquet dive (golden copper (pearl))

What have you had your eyes on lately?


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