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Tummy Tuesday - 36 Weeks

At my brother in law's wedding with my love.

How far along? 36 weeks! I will be 37 weeks tomorrow (FULL TERM). Baby Shea is the size of a head of romaine lettuce.
A better view of the belly. Shea with some of her handsome uncles. :)

Total weight gain/measurements: According to my doctor's appointment yesterday I have gained almost 20-lbs. 

Maternity clothes: It's pretty much all I wear now. I wear lots of leggings and long tank tops to cover my butt. Now is the time that I think being THIS pregnant in the summer may be easier with the option of just wearing dresses. ;)

Stretch marks: Yes. They're here. I feel like new stretch marks make an appearance daily..oh well..

Sleep: I get about 5-6 hours a night. It's all broken sleep, but at least I manage to get a couple hours.

Best moment this week: Watching my brother in law get married & spending the weekend with some of my closest friends.

Miss anything? Sleeping comfortably. Wine. Being able to put on my shoes without feeling like a contortionist. Bending down without feeling like I'm gonna squish Shea.

 Movement: Lots. Her favorite is still daddy's voice & Spanish music.

Food cravings: None. I could probably live on fluids alone, my appetite has been nonexistent lately.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Cigarette smoke, which drove me crazy this weekend since the wedding was in AC & it's still legal to smoke indoors there.

Gender: Girl.

Symptoms: Peeing all the time. Rib and back pain. Heartburn.

Belly button in or out? Out. I always called it a done button, but our baby girl isn't done 'cooking' yet. 

Wedding rings on or off? A bit of both. My wedding band no longer fits, but my engagement ring does. 

 Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. Listening to hypnobabies every night really does help my mood. 

 Looking forward to: My last Hypnobabies class this weekend. Starting my maternity leave (in 3 weeks) and of course meeting baby Shea.


  1. OMG you look amazing in both pics! Love that red dress!!


  3. Bella. I can't wait for the done button to sound off. LOL!

  4. I had mine at 37w3d! It really could be any day now! :) All the more reason to make sure the car seat and bags are ready!

    1. I am more than happy to let her 'cook' for a little


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