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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

Gratitude Monday

This summer seems to be FLYING!!! Today I am grateful for all of the quality time I have been able to spend with my family. Saturday was an especially great day.

Hubby & I went to a Mets game where we were able to take a picture on the Shea Bridge. We can't wait to show this to our little girl one day.

Right after the Mets game I went to the first EVER e.l.f. studio store in NY. It was packed, but I was able to score a lot of goodies for $40. I just love e.l.f. products.

After that I headed over to do makeup on my first princess (my niece). Isn't she beautiful..?!?! 
(yup I posted this picture on my blog Kiki.  :P   )

What are you grateful for..??


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa~

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