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Saie Dew Blush in Sweetie #saiebeauty #saieblush #liquidblush #liquidmakeup #pinkblush

YouTube Love

I plan on scaling back on how much I will be blogging for the next few weeks. I'm on a new routine and just don't have the time for it..for now!! That doesn't mean that I won't be popping in with random bits & pieces though.

Here are some YouTube videos that I think you should check out.

My Skin Care Routine
I love to see what other people use on their skin and Alba has gorgeous skin!

5 Minute Bohemian Braid 
A quick and easy Bohemian look? I will be trying this soon! 

DIY: Lush Fresh Face Cupcake Mask 
This is my FAVORITE mask!! I can't wait to try to make this at home. 

Please let me know what YouTube videos you've been watching lately.


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