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The Kindest Cut of All

Good Morning Babes!! This weekend I decided to finally make the kindest cut of all & donate my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. For those that aren't familiar with Pantene Beautiful Lengths they are a program that makes wigs for women that have lost their hair due to cancer treatment.

I donated about 9 inches of hair. I'm really not one of those people who's too attached to their hair, as long as I have SOME to work with then I'll rock it!! I purposely grew my hair out for this.

Here's the before.....

The After..

The after pictures are right from the salon and the hair is a little too 'perfect' for my taste, but I'll see what I can do with it.

When was the last time you cut your hair..?? 


  1. Your hair looks so cute! I cut my hair this past weekend in short layers.

  2. omg that's so kind of you to do this, i applaud you! and your hair looks really healthy and long, someone will definitely benefit from your kind-doing :) your new hair is super adorable too! :)

  3. YOU CUT YOUR HAIR!!!!!!!!!!

    I LOVE IT!!!!!!

    Does your head feel lighter? I bet it does.

    (i cut my hair a year ago!)

  4. I'm not sure this event is available where I live, but my friend recently cut her hair and gave it to an organism who make extensions or something with it.

  5. =O It looks great!!

    I admire your braveness and good heart! I don't think I would cut my hair to that length in a million years!!

  6. wow that was so nice of you....and I so love your new hair....

  7. your hair looks great in both pics - I'm sure your donation will really help someone out :) your new 'do is adorable! that's typically the cut that I get when I chop my hair, only w/o the bangs...but it feels a LOT lighter now, haha

    can't wait to see you mess it up a bit & make it more your style...I'm discovering that bobby pins are my friend right now, haha

  8. love love love your new hair!!!

  9. Beautiful sleek cut for a worthy cause. I cut my hair six months ago. They're long layers now, not long enough to donate. Does your hubby like your new cut?

  10. I had no idea your hair was so long..what a good deed babe and well worth look gorgeous!

  11. Love the new hair and love the old! Ah if only my hair was that long! You look gorgeous! Such a kind thing to do!

  12. AMAZING! Your new cut is so sleek and sexy! You have such a good heart! :) I am saving my hair for now... Andy's mom wants to make a wig for herself. lmao

  13. You look great either way! But this new short cut is soo refreshing! Perfect for the warmer time right now! And the fact that you donated your lovely locks to a great cause is even more inspiring of you Tammy!! LOVE YOU!!

  14. wow thats so brave, i wouldnt be able to do that, i cant even remember the last time i cut my hair, maybe last year? every time i go to the salon, they always cut MUCH more than what i asked! and im never happy, so i stop going for a while cuz im pissed lol so until i trust them again, i'll go

  15. You look super cute with your new haircut.


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~Mother Teresa~

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