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Eyeshadow Tip | #makeuptips #eyeshadowtips

Project 10 Pan

Hi Ladies!!

Above is a video with the items I'm going to try to finish during my Project 10 Pan experiment. I wasn't going to participate in this since I've been on a no buy for so long, but I decided I have a lot of products (especially lip products) that I should finish before I decide to add more to my collection.

Are you currently doing Project 10 Pan..?? What products do you find hardest to finish..??


  1. I should try this too, but then it'd take forever for me! LOL!

    Lippies are the hardest for me to finish, cuz I always forget to reapply! LOL! THen e/s next!

  2. i only have a hard time finishing products cuz i buy more before i need them =( i need to do a project 10 pan! i'm about ready!

  3. I just watched this vid on yt last night and right after got my ten things together. I have so much that I let sit there and it's time to put them to use! For me lip stuff is the hardest to finish and next would be face products like bronzers and blushes.

  4. it would take me waaaay too long to do a 10 pan on makeup, lol...though I'm getting through my MAC Soba pretty fast now! I think I've only really used up 2 eyeshadows to the point that there was nothing left in the pan - and they were both mark. shadows that got discontinued!!


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