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Mommy Monday - Hypnobabies

I've spoken about hypnobabies for a long time here. I started taking the classes when I was around 32 weeks in hopes of having a natural (no drugs) and vaginal (no explanation needed) birth. Well neither happened, so do I feel like I wasted my money..? Absolutely not. 

A very brief explanation of what hypnobabies is: A complete childbirth education and medical hypnosis class. You can take these classes somewhere or you can do self study. I had a very short attention span during pregnancy so I knew the only way I could really learn was if I took a class in person. The information you learn in class is REAL, this is not your what to expect when you're expecting type of crap. I learned about what drugs you should say no to since they weren't tested on birthing women and when to really call your doctor (and A LOT more). You learn a new set of words so that you remove the negative connections to giving birth (contractions are now pressure waves). You also learn to visualize your birth and that your body is in control. 

So where did it go wrong..? I didn't practice the self hypnosis with the lightswitch - what?!? It's a hypnobabies thing meaning you allow yourself to still be self hypnotized while still being able to interact with others. Since I didn't practice this enough I had a really hard time focusing on this when I got to the hospital. Also at home I didn't think I needed to use the self hypnosis in the beginning since I believed I wouldn't be ready to go to the hospital for ages (wrong 3 hours!). 

So why do I feel like hypnobabies was worth the money? 1. The things I learned in this class I haven't read about anywhere else. 2. A sense of strength and knowing what my body can do. I didn't second guess myself during labor - Yes it IS time to go to the hospital. Yes I want the epidural! 3. It kept me calm. You know how most women get anxious when they hit 36-37 weeks pregnant? I wasn't! I kept saying and BELIEVING - She will come when she's ready. Even when my due date came and went I was super calm and pretty blissful. 4. I light switched off during the c-section. WHAT?!? All it means was that I allowed myself to go into deep hypnosis as they performed the surgery. I was on a "beach" as Kaley was being born. 5. I managed not to hurt my husband on the 1 hour+ car ride to the hospital, which should have only been 15 minutes but there was a MAJOR accident. I was so deep in hypnosis I was drooling as he was driving. 

And now a video....
WARNING: This is a video of a woman giving birth..calmly!! Be amazed.

Births like this are completely possible, if this is what you want. Learn more about hypnobabies - No I was not paid to write this! Hypnobabies is an amazing program and I believe more women need to educate themselves.


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