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Meet My Daughter - Labor & Delivery Story


  1. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl Tammy.
    With my first baby I wanted exactly what you wanted; all natural and breastfeeding all the way. Unfortunately his heart tones kept decelerating so I was rushed into a emergency csection. Like you my recovery was not easy. It took me a full month to actually feel 100% better. I couldn't breastfeed him either. He just stopped latching on after the fourth day in the hospital and my milk came in more than a week later, but by then he was just taking his formula.
    My second boy was a VBAC. Everything about his birth and breastfeeding was much different. The birth was pretty non eventful (thank goodness) but the breastfeeding was the worst. It's the hardest thing to go through because like you said my little one was on the breast all day, every day for what seemed like 2 months. 13 months later we are going strong, but it was a lot of work to get here.

    Still try to take it easy and not push yourself with your recovery now that you're two weeks out.

    Enjoy her baby-ness!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. It really does make me feel better. :)

  2. OMG!! You have me tearing up over here. Love you guys lots and lots!!


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