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Tummy Tuesday - 30 Weeks

Outfit: Jeans from Motherhood (maternity), Sweater from Target, Gold Belt from H&M, Gold Shoes from NY&C. 
How far along?  30 weeks! I will be 31 weeks tomorrow. Baby Shea is the size of a cabbage.  
Me with a cabbage! This sucker was 7-lbs though, baby Shea is only around 3-lbs.

Total weight gain/measurements: 11-lbs as of yesterday. Please note: My weight gain has been so low because I started off as 'overweight' so ideally I should only gain 15-20lbs in this pregnancy.

Maternity clothes: Still the same.. I wear maternity pants, but I'm making regular tops work. The wearing regular tops is getting really difficult now, but I really don't want to buy a lot of new clothes with only a few weeks to

Stretch marks: Yes!!!! I don't have a lot, but I have a few under my belly. Anyone know of anything that actually works to get rid of them? lol
Sleep: I sleep about 5-6 hours a night, but the sleep is pretty broken with all the pee breaks and having trouble falling back asleep.

Best moment this week: My first doctor's appointment with my new doctor. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted! I wasn't happy with my old doctor and the stress of having to go there was getting to me. 
Miss anything? Not trying on 10 shirts before I find something that  And pumpkin's my FAVORITE! Washing dishes without giving my belly a bath, it is very funny how much the tummy gets into things now and I don't even notice till I'm done. Painting my toes, it's hard to reach so it's time to start going to the salon.

Movement: She moves all the time!! After drinking OJ and when she hears daddy telling a story is when she's most active. I already know we have a daddy's girl on our hands.
Food cravings: None this week. I've been quite nauseous the past few days so simple is best.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still cigarette smoke. The smell of tuna..barf!

Gender:  Girl!! 

Symptoms: Allergies still. I woke up 2am to a sneezing fit that lasted a good five minutes. It was hard to go back to sleep after that. My other symptoms include: Peeing all the time, having a difficult time getting comfortable, and a bit of swelling in my feet.

Belly button in or out? In, but she's pushing it out a little bit more each day.

Wedding rings on or off? On! 

Happy or moody most of the time: Moody this week! I had issues with: work, the old doctor, getting my medical records, & insurance! It felt like it was one thing after another, but thankfully things have mostly been settled and this week should be great!
Looking forward to: An ultrasound in just a few hours, a 4D Ultrasound this Saturday, and starting a hypnobabies class in 2 weeks.


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~Mother Teresa~

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