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Tummy Tuesday - 29 Weeks

With my sister & niece.
  They're not really THAT much taller than I am, I'm wearing flats and they have heels on. Pregnancy is keeping me lower to the ground..
How far along?  29 weeks! I will be 30 weeks tomorrow. Only 10 weeks left?!? Baby Shea is the size of a butternut squash. 

Total weight gain/measurements: 10-lbs as of yesterday. Please note: My weight gain has been so low because I started off as 'overweight' so ideally I should only gain 15-20lbs in this pregnancy.

Maternity clothes: Still the same.. I wear maternity pants, but I'm making regular tops work.

Stretch marks: Yes!!!! I noticed them this weekend and I got really upset about them. I have no idea why since I was expecting  As of right now they are really small and under my belly. I'm moisturizing several times a day now in hopes that it will help.
Sleep: I am able to sleep pretty well, with the exception of peeing every 2 hours. I've been getting 7-8 hours a night, but I think my body would be a lot happier with an extra hour.

Best moment this week: Finding a new doctor!! It's so stressful trying to find a new doctor during pregnancy, but I am so happy we made the switch.  
Miss anything? Comfy clothes that  The weather is getting chilly here and none of my old hoodies fit, darn those slim fit cuts!

Movement: She is more active with each passing day. I feel her moving around all day long.
Food cravings: None this week. I definitely find myself eating a little bit more, but there isn't anything in particular I want.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still cigarette smoke.

Gender:  Girl!! 

Symptoms: Allergies...still!!! The past few morning my nose has been so congested that it brings tears to my eyes..ouch! Peeing..a lot! I had a charley horse for the first time the other night and I thought something was truly wrong. Those darn things HURT!!!! 
Belly button in or out? In, but not for much longer.

Wedding rings on or off? On! 

Happy or moody most of the time: Moody this past week, but now I'm happy. Having to deal with all the changes when it comes to going from one doctor to the next is stressful.
Looking forward to: 4D Ultrasound in October.


  1. are you small or are this girls tall?

    1. lol..we're all about the same height, but I'm wearing flats and they have heels on. My sister is on the left and my niece is in the middle. :)


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