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Tummy Tuesday - 27 Weeks

This is the same dress I wore in last week's update, but in a different color.
How far along?  27 weeks! I will be 28 weeks tomorrow. I am 7 months pregnant..?!? I can't believe it. She will be here before I know it. Baby Shea is the size of a head of cauliflower. 

Total weight gain/measurements: So my guesstimates last week were wrong! I have gained 9-lbs so far and Baby Shea is 3-lbs.

Maternity clothes: What maternity clothes..?!? :)   I'm still wearing a lot of my old stuff and I've bought a few items in a large size and just belt them so they fit better. For now this works better than maternity clothes.

Stretch marks: None so far. Using Palmer's Stretch Mark lotion twice a day.
Sleep: What is this sleep you speak of? I'm currently getting about 6 hours of sleep a night. It's not ideal, but at least I'm getting some rest. Getting comfortable is still a problem and I'm sure it will only get worse.

Best moment this week: Finding out that Shea is getting to be a big girl! 3-lbs already?!? She's growing so fast.  :)
 Miss anything? Sleep. Not having a doctor's appointment every 5 minutes. Wearing my old comfy sweats, I need to find a pair that fit this belly. 

Movement: All day!! Orange juice and her daddy's voice get a lot of kicks.
Food cravings: Cherry icees. I have no idea where this has come from, but I've wanted one every other day. In reality I think I just want something really cold & cherry icees have always been my favorite.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still cigarette smoke. I stay as far away from smoke as I can (obviously), but when I do encounter it my stomach is NOT happy about it.  

Gender:  Girl!! 

Symptoms: Allergies as usual. Peeing ALL the time.Pregnancy brain - my name is what? Yeah, it's real and it's bad. I use post-its for everything at work now.
Belly button in or out? In, but Shea is definitely pushing it out.

Wedding rings on or off? Still on.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. Things have been a little hectic and I'm just trying to keep calm about it all. 
Looking forward to: 4D Ultrasound in October. 
Happy Birthday to my amazing hubby!!! 
He is my best friend and I am so happy that we are starting this family together. I love you babes!! 


  1. OMG that is so sweet!!! :) I just discovered your blog cuz of the nail product reviews but aww! I'm melting over this post :) God bless you and your beautiful family :)

  2. No stretch marks and no maternity clothes? I love it! Baby Shea is such a good girl for her mommy already! Also, happy birfday hubs!

    1. It's not that I don't need maternity clothes, I'm just finding ways around Lots of dresses & long shirts. Hubs says thanks!


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